New College of Florida board abolishes diversity office after emotional debate

New College of Florida's Board of Trustees abolished the office handling diversity, equity and inclusion programs during a contentious and emotional meeting Tuesday that included testimony from students worried that a board reshaped by Gov. Ron DeSantis is making the school unwelcoming to minorities.

DeSantis appointed six members to New College's board on Jan. 6 in an effort to transform the school, putting the small Sarasota institution at the center of the GOP's nationwide pushback on education policies aimed at supporting historically marginalized groups, including racial minorities and LGBTQ individuals.

DeSantis has emerged as a key national figure in this debate after he pushed through legislation governing how K-12 schools discuss race and gender identity and recently prohibited an Advanced Placement course in African American studies, which caused an uproar. The governor is now taking aim at university programs.

Eliminating diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives − which have become a major flashpoint for conservatives and a target of DeSantis throughout Florida's public university system − is among the first substantive actions by New College's revamped board, which also fired the former president last month and hired DeSantis ally Richard Corcoran as interim president. Corcoran's first board meeting was Tuesday.

New College students protest before a board of trustees meeting on campus Tuesday.
New College students protest before a board of trustees meeting on campus Tuesday.

Among DeSantis' New College board appointees is prominent conservative activist Christopher Rufo, who pushed at his first meeting on Jan. 31 to abolish diversity programs.

The board opted to wait until more research could be done. College administrator Brad Thiessen presented the results of his DEI review Tuesday, delving into everything from faculty training to hiring practices and student admissions.

Thiessen said there is little mandatory diversity training, and only recently was the faculty handbook revised so that prospective hires are asked to submit a statement in their job application outlining how they will promote diversity.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush issued an executive order in 1999 directing the state university system oversight body to "implement a policy prohibiting the use of racial or gender set-asides, preferences or quotas" in college admissions, and Thiessen said "New College does not have an identity-based admissions process, there's no quotas."

Additionally, only one of the four employees in the Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence, which handles DEI programs, appears to be primarily focused on DEI, according to job descriptions included in the board materials. The others manage grants, work on community outreach and perform other activities that aren't controversial.

Trustee Matthew Lepinski said he is "concerned that we’re solving a problem that isn’t serious, or doesn’t really exist."

Trustee Grace Keenan voiced similar concerns.

“What this presentation showed (is) that one fourth of one office on campus has a position related to DEI,” Keenan said. “On campus we do almost no DEI training, mandatory… and then the only recently added DEI statement to the faculty is the only DEI statements that are required, and we have no identity-based quotas."

"So this is not a very impressive DEI bureaucracy," Keenan continued, adding: “It seems like we have spent more time and resources to find out what DEI we do, than we are undoing actual DEI.”

Keenan, Lipinski and Trustee Mary Ruiz voted against eliminating the diversity office.

Rufo conceded that DEI isn't as deeply embedded in the college's practices as he expected, but said it was still important to remove it on "principle." Rufo and Trustee Matthew Spalding both suggested it is discriminatory to take race into account when setting the college's priorities.

"It treats people differently on the basis of their skin color," Rufo said.

“This is discrimination, it should be gone," Spalding added.

Rufo later boasted on Twitter that "New College of Florida has become the first university in the nation to abolish its DEI bureaucracy."

The majority of trustees voted to have Corcoran move forward with eliminating the Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence. The Office's four employees are expected to be offered other jobs.

Trustees also voted to eliminate the diversity statement when hiring faculty and to direct Corcoran to consider adopting a prohibition on diversity training for employees.

Additionally, the board voted to have Corcoran create a school policy that prohibits spending money on any DEI efforts.

Under the new regulation, DEI will be defined to include "any effort to manipulate or otherwise influence the composition of the faculty or student body with reference to race, sex, color, or ethnicity."

The definition of DEI also would include: "Any effort to promote as the official position of the administration, the college, or any administrative unit thereof, a particular, widely contested opinion referencing unconscious or implicit bias, cultural appropriation, allyship, transgender ideology, microaggressions, group marginalization, anti-racism, systemic oppression, social justice, intersectionality, neo-pronouns, heteronormativity, disparate impact, gender theory, racial or sexual privilege, or any related formulation of these concepts."

The rollback of New College's diversity programs came at the end of a 3⅟₂-hour meeting that featured emotional testimony for students, parents and others. About 200 people attended the meeting.

"Folks, I am so far from woke," economics and finance student Joshua Epstein, 17, said. Epstein argued that the school's diversity programs are important. Next year he graduates and plans to become a corporate lawyer or banker. New College of Florida's Board of Trustees abolished the office handling diversity, equity and inclusion programs during a contentious and emotional meeting Tuesday on the campus New College of Florida.

Economics and finance student Joshua Epstein, 17, said he graduates next year and plans to become a corporate lawyer or banker.

"Folks, I am so far from woke," Epstein said.

Yet Epstein argued that the school's diversity programs are important. Epstein said his grandparents on his father's side survived the Holocaust and his grandfather on his mother's side was a tank commander in the Israeli Army "where he fought for the survival of a Jewish state to fight to have a place where I'd be safe from persecution if people ever saw Jews as less than human again."

"Today I fear that other groups of people are being seen as less than human; today I fear that we may eliminate the office that ensures that the composition of our classrooms resemble that of our great nation," Esptein added.

The concerns raised by the public extended beyond eliminating diversity programs to DeSantis' broader effort to reshape the school, Corcoran's $699,000 base salary and other issues.

Corcoran thanked DeSantis during his first public remarks as interim president, saying the governor has “a heartfelt desire to have New College be a leader" in liberal arts education.

Corcoran also said he wants to focus on student recruitment, improving campus facilities, enhancing student life and working to "set a record" for the amount of money he brings to the college. He plans to be in Tallahassee during the upcoming legislative session to lobby for state funds.

The funding for Corcoran's own salary has become an issue, with most of it required to come from private donations because of a $200,000 cap on state funds that can be used to pay a university employee.

New Board Chair Debra Jenks, a DeSantis appointee, has said there is money available through the New College Foundation to pay Corcoran, but foundation board members said last week that it's not clear to them where the money's coming from.

Richard Corcoran the new interim president of New College of Florida was not welcomed by the majority of students and adult speakers.
Richard Corcoran the new interim president of New College of Florida was not welcomed by the majority of students and adult speakers.

Corcoran referenced some apparent friction with the foundation, saying there are issues where "it doesn't necessarily follow the right chain of command."

"There does seem to be somewhat of a perspective of the Foundation that they're autonomous and hopefully that will work itself out this week as we try to gather more information," Corcoran added.

Bill Galvano, the college's new general counsel, said the state Supreme Court "has said in the past" that a university's foundation "is not an autonomous entity but subject to the control of the college it supports or the university it supports."

Jenks said the board may formally intervene to prompt cooperation from foundation leaders.

"I would ask you to just keep your calendars available," Jenks said. "I expect that we will be able to get the information we need in an ordinarily and timely fashion... but just as a precautionary matter we may have a special set meeting of the Board of Trustees just to go over that situation."

Earlier in the day students joined religious and political leaders in a large protest before the board meeting.

About 300 people gathered in front of the Hamilton Center on New College's Sarasota campus to again criticize DeSantis' conservative takeover of the school and vow continued resistance. Many of the speakers were minority students who criticized the push to eliminate the Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence.

More:Meet the Trump-loving yacht lawyer who helped engineer DeSantis' New College takeover

More:Richard Corcoran Q&A: New College interim president outlines vision, defends salary

DeSantis has targeted DEI programs across all of Florida's public universities, and New College is first in line.

Lianna Paton, a minority student in her first year at New College, said targeting DEI programs is an attempt to suppress and "erase students of color."

"You do not get to say diversity is divisive when its very existence is what makes communities like my own feel welcome and safe," Paton said.

New College supporters protested before a board of trustees meeting on campus Tuesday.
New College supporters protested before a board of trustees meeting on campus Tuesday.

Members of the crowd held up signs saying "Black history is American history" and "Jesus was/is woke."

Chai Leffler, 21, a gay third year New College student, said he struggled with his sexuality growing up and went through a dark time in high school. He went to a youth center in Sarasota where he met New College students who made him feel welcome.

"There's one thing they cannot change," Leffler said. "Us. We the students of New College are the spirit of New College and we will not let that be taken away from us.

State Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, and Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer also spoke during the demonstration.

Dorhauer leads the church that helped found New College as a private school in 1960 before it became part of the state university system. He said he is outraged by what DeSantis is doing to the school.

"I want to express my moral outrage at Gov. DeSantis willing to compromise and sacrifice the future, the vision, the hopes, the dreams and the safety of the students on this campus for his aspirations to serve as president," Dorhauer said.

Dorhauer's United Church of Crist provided funding to create New College and church members were active in the school during its early days.

Dorhauer also spoke at the board meeting, where he told trustees that their actions will be judged harshly by history.

“The long arc of history will grind you into dust and... you will be remembered for the sycophants that you are," he said. "That’s what history does.”

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: New College has first board meeting with president Richard Corcoran