Our Crazy Fall TV Theories

The Blacklist
Theory Red (James Spader) is not related to Agent Keen (Megan Boone) — he’s in love with her mom!
The Reasoning Supervillain Red is looking out for the FBI profiler at her mother’s behest — because her mother is on the Blacklist.

Once Upon A Time
Theory Mulan is bisexual!
The Reasoning The heroine (Jamie Chung) almost revealed her feelings for Princess Aurora (Sarah Bolger) — but what about her previous attraction to Prince Phillip? We smell a steamy scandal (or a three-way).

Theory Haddie’s been abducted by a cult!
The Reasoning The eldest grandkid (Sarah Ramos) has barely been heard from (or spoken of) since she left for Cornell. Either the school banned cell phones or Haddie’s holed up somewhere waiting for the apocalypse.