Covfefe! Twitter Explodes After Donald Trump Mistakenly Tweets Out Fake Word

What did President Donald Trump mean on Tuesday night when he tweeted the word “covfefe“?

That’s what most of Twitter tried to figure out as the word began trending, with celebrities, journalists and authors weighing in and taking a stab as they attempted to decipher Trump’s tweet, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

Trump has been garnering his fair share of social media scrutiny these days. Recently, the president’s shove of Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic to get to the front of a group of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leaders made headlines.

While gathering at NATO’s new headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday, a group of members were walking together to get to a meeting. From behind, Trump emerged, pushing Markovic aside, stepping in front of him. The president then smugly straightened his jacket.

First Lady Melania Trump also appeared to swat her husband’s hand away when he reached for her hand upon their arrival in Tel Aviv, Israel.

As of this posting, the tweet has been up for over an hour and not been deleted.