Cory Monteith interview to re-air on Bravo

Bravo will re-air Cory Monteith’s appearance on Inside the Actor’s Studio in the wake of the young Glee star’s untimely death.

Monteith’s episode of the show originally aired last year. Bravo will repeat the episode, where host James Lipton chatted with the entire Glee cast, on Thursday at 6 p.m.

In addition, Lipton also released this statement to accompany the announcement: “When I appeared as myself on Glee, I auditioned Cory’s character, Finn, for the Actors Studio Drama School — and rejected him. That’s the way Ryan Murphy wrote it. I would have admitted him — in a New York minute. Of course you’ll want to know how Cory responded when I asked him the question, ‘If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?’ Cory’s God said, ‘Uh, sorry I haven’t been around. There’s a good explanation.’ I certainly hope there is. We needed Cory’s gifts.”