Corey Taylor on the “Gulf” Between Political Parties: “It’s All About Being ‘Owned’ These Days”

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Corey Taylor has never been shy about his disdain for Donald Trump, once calling the former US president and anyone who voted for him a “fucking moron.”

With Trump launching another presidential campaign amidst a number of legal issues for everything from business fraud to federal indictments related to January 6th, Taylor hasn’t changed his tune. Although the singer has long since stepped away from social media, he shared his opinion with Consequence in an interview for our recent cover story, Beyond the Mask: Corey Taylor’s Ride from Wild to Wise, speaking openly and passionately about his political perspective regarding Trump and the current election cycle.

First, he wanted to set one thing straight, in case there was any confusion: “I know a lot of people think that I hate conservatives and that’s just not the fucking case,” he said before clarifying, “I hate Trump and everything that he fucking stands for.”

“I think they’re following blindly someone who doesn’t give a fuck about them,” Taylor said of Trump’s supporters. “But the whole reason that you have this cult of Trump right now is because of just how far the gulf has become between the two political sides.”

In this regard, Taylor feels that both the left and right are to blame.

“As soon as the left started berating and chastising and ridiculing people on the right, they started to pull further away,” he said, “and they started to do the same thing — to the point where it’s not even about political points anymore. It’s about trying to find the best burn. Trying to find the best way to stick it in somebody’s face, whether it’s correct or not; it’s all about being ‘owned’ these days.”

He continued, “From the second we started labeling conservatives as Nazis, as a blanket statement, it was everything that they could do to find a counter insult for the left. And what they found was, ‘Well, what’s just as fucking bad as a Nazi? Oh, pedophiles. Let’s do that.’ … So the gulf has become so wide that nobody can even hear each other screaming anymore because they’re too busy trying to be right.”

Taylor views Trump as the inevitable symptom of this “gulf” between the two parties — a reaction to the political bubbles in which the left and right have encased themselves. He doesn’t see things changing anytime soon, either, ending his rant on a rather bleak note.

“Everybody on the left hated him, so he was going to be the hero for the right and that’s it,” he said. “Never mind the fact that he was a Democrat for 28 years; never mind the fact that he had tried to fucking run as a Democrat and failed miserably; never mind the fact that this isn’t the first time that he’s been indicted for fucking breaking laws; never mind the fact that just on paper, he is an absolute louse of a human being.

“It doesn’t matter. And when it doesn’t matter, nothing matters,” Taylor concluded. “And that’s the fucking problem. Until things matter again, until we can fucking really develop a way to talk to each other, this shit’s just gonna fucking keep going on and on, until the two political opponents will be a rat and a rat with a toupée.”

For more from Taylor — including his thoughts on AI in music, the potential of his son taking over his role in Slipknot, and his new solo LP, CMF2 — read the latest Consequence Cover Story. You can also check out 10 non-metal anytime albums he recommends every music fan should own.

Get tickets to Taylor’s ongoing solo tour dates here, and snag the exclusive Consequence merch created in collaboration with the musician — including a “pinup patch” T-shirt and photo print — at the Consequence Shop or via the buy-now buttons below.

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Corey Taylor on the “Gulf” Between Political Parties: “It’s All About Being ‘Owned’ These Days”
Jon Hadusek

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