Congressman has heated exchange with Chris Hayes over calls for Trump impeachment

Wisconsin congressman Sean Duffy appeared on All In with Chris Hayes to discuss the growing calls for the impeachment of President Trump in light of the Mueller Report findings. However the interview quickly spiraled out of control when Duffy refused to answers Hayes’s questions. Hayes pointed out the Mueller findings that Trump asked White Counsel Don McGahn to lie and fabricate a story. Hayes asked Duffy, “Is that acceptable behavior from the president, I'm not asking you is it impeachable, I want to know is it acceptable to ask the White House counsel to fabricate a document to further a duplicitous story in the face of investigators?” Duffy responded by discrediting the Mueller, investigation, and Democratic party. Hayes asked Duffy the question again and Duffy responded by defending the president’s actions because he believes Wisconsin’s economy is thriving. Duffy said “We're killing it in Wisconsin. You want to impeach that guy?” Duffy repeatedly referred to the Mueller report as “fake,” so he refused to speak on the findings. Hayes said he was ending the interview because Duffy was being non-compliant. But despite the heated exchange, they both ended the interview cordially. Many viewers took to Twitter to voice their disappointment in Duffy. In fact, many asked the show’s producers to avoid having Duffy on ever again.