Conan takes a shade bath in the Dead Sea during Israel trip teaser

Conan O’Brien aired a preview of his upcoming Conan Without Borders: Israel episode which airs September 19th at 10pm. Turns out the late night host brought his swim trunks and he enjoyed a dip in the Dead Sea. “Wow! I can feel my body changing from all the salt,” he said, “My penis has been turned into a brined Vlasic pickle.” He also made some casual new acquaintances asking one woman, “Are you here with your boyfriend? You're with me now. I took off my wedding ring, you can't wear jewelry so I'm not married while in the Dead Sea.” Conan also learned about some local customs including a little Dead Sea mud mask which is apparently good for the skin because of all the minerals in the mud. He quickly covered himself with mud and asked the woman he hit on earlier, “Do I look attractive now? Attractive Israeli man?” But it turned out he might have need even more mud covering his body for her. “More attractive than without the mask,” she said.