Conan Brings Laughs to Middle East Military Base

On Monday’s Conan, host Conan O’Brien shipped out to Al Udeid, a U.S. military base in Qatar. First lady Michelle Obama took him along to bring awareness to her Joining Forces initiative and to entertain the troops. Conan wasted no time learning about military life on the base. He first met with a group in charge of training dogs to search out bombs and drugs. Conan asked, “What about Viagra or Cialis?” He then volunteered himself to be dragged to the ground by a trained German shepherd. The next department he visited was a bomb disposal unit. He tried to learn about the highly specialized equipment, like a bomb-dismantling robot. When asked about a particular piece, the soldier replied with the highly specific: “That’s a tool we use to perform procedures on devices.” Conan went on to entertain the troops with a few jokes and a musical set with Grace Potter.

Conan airs weeknights at 11 pm on TBS.

Watch Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman’s weird puzzle re-enectments.

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