Comic-Con Video: Cate Blanchett's Talent for Speaking Fake Elvish

Speaking Elvish at a level that can satisfy even the most J.R.R. Tolkein-obsessed is a talent that very few people possess — among them, Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies actors Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, and Lee Pace. Unfortunately, as with any other language, the fictional Middle-Earth tongue fades from memory when you stop practicing. So when it comes to impressing her children’s friends with her Hobbit cred, Blanchett told Yahoo Movies that she sometimes has to improvise.

“You’re just another boring parent at school until they find out you’re part of this whole universe, and then they want you to speak Elvish,” Blanchett told us backstage at Comic-Con. “And I so don’t want to disappoint them, and I just can’t remember anything, so I go [Elvish-sounding gibberish]… I just sound like I’m drunk!”

Actually, watching the video, she sounds pretty authoritative – but after more than ten years of playing Elvish queen Galadriel, why wouldn’t she?

It sounds like Bloom’s Elvish skills might be getting a little rusty, too. When we asked the man who plays Legolas if he ever slips into the language at home, Bloom laughed and sarcastically affirmed, “All the time!”

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies opens in theaters December 17, 2014