This Collaboration Is So Good It Cut Right Through My Anti-Collab Cynicism

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Esquire

Collabs are a dime a dozen these days, so I’m always a bit skeptical of the latest drop, especially when everyone is shouting about it IN ALL CAPS. Just calm down, folks. It's not that big a deal.

That baseline skepticism ratchets up another notch when one of the brands involved is one where a primary reference point-for me, at least-is a certain breed of guy. You know, the hyper-aggressively toned, high-pony sporting type who struts past me in the early-morning hours as I groggily make my way to the gym. (Yes, I'm still talking about the men.)

Here's the thing, though: Lululemon and New York-based designer Robert Geller have teamed up and created something that cuts through all that cynicism. Their collaborative capsule collection, which launched this week and is full of pieces that are both fun and functional, is actually worthy of the hype.

These are clothes equally fit for running a 10 miler (you) or just running your mouth (me). And thought they certainly won't let you down at the gym, these pieces aren't just for fitness; they're great for your non-workout life too. (Especially that bright-yellow hooded jacket, which is a great way to remain visible should you happen to wander off at your local Bed, Bath, and Beyond and need to launch an impromptu recovery mission.)

True to the Geller aesthetic, each piece is perfect for layering, but strong enough to stand on its own. And everything has the insane comfort that's a cornerstone of Lululemon's reputation. In other words: You’ll never want to take any of this stuff off.

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