Cole Sprouse Says He Thinks 'Fame Is A Trauma': 'It Can Be Really Easy To Lose Yourself In It'

Cole Sprouse spoke with Access Hollywood at PaleyFest 2022 about "Riverdale" and the love the hit series gets from fans. He also gets candid about a recent profile he did with the New York Times about fame and child stardom, sharing that he thinks "fame is a trauma." Adding, "I think as humans we're not prepared to be put in front of the eyes of millions of people just in general. I also think the culture of celebrity encourages a tremendous amount of selfishness and I've said this before. And with power, wealth, and a culture that preaches sexual success, and social success, and financial success it can be really easy to lose yourself in it. And you also attract a ton of people that want a piece of that success and I think as raw and honest as possible, I think that if you're not fully prepared or meditating on the effects of that, that it can be a traumatic experience, especially if its placed upon younger actors.