Colbert calls 'fake news' on Trump campaign's denial of Russian collusion

Colbert calls fake news on Trump campaign denial of Russian collusion

As special counsel Robert Mueller announced charges Monday against three advisers to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, Stephen Colbert called B.S. on the campaign’s continued denial of any collusion with Russia.

In his Late Show monologue, Colbert said, “Remember how the Trump campaign swore over and over they never knew about any attempt to coordinate with Russia? Well, how do I put this?” Then, launching into his Trump impression, he said, “Fake news.”

Turning his attention to George Papadopoulos — and likening him to a “groomsman offering you ecstasy at the ceremony” — Colbert noted that the former Trump foreign policy adviser pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents in the Mueller probe. “And the details of what Papadopoulos lied about are Papadopo-damning,” he said.

While working to elect Trump, Papadopoulos repeatedly tried to arrange a meeting between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. “You can’t do that,” Colbert said. “That’s Don Jr.’s job.”

The Late Show airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET on CBS.