The Closer: Were You Surprised By the Leak?

TNT’s The Closer, in the series’ penultimate episode, closed the chapter on the mystery of the leak who was feeding inter-departmental intel to Peter Goldman, the bulldog lawyer who’s been suing Brenda, the LAPD, and the city of Los Angeles for a “pattern of denying suspects their constitutional privilege to a fair trial.”

The big reveal, almost a year in the making, came midway through the investigation of a pleasingly twisty and twisted, yet easy-to-follow, case. As Brenda and Gabriel (played by Corey Reynolds) grilled a young teen whose boyfriend (Greek‘s Scott Michael Foster) was under suspicion of shooting dead a security guard, Raydor interrupted to pull Gabriel away on what was obviously serious business. He was led to Pope’s office where his new-ish girlfriend Anne was sitting, in tears.

Gabriel proceeded to learn, very much to his disbelief, that Anne had been “planted” in his life by Goldman, who was paying $60,000 worth of her law school loans in trade for inside dish on Gabriel and the Major Crimes unit. So, David meeting his honey-to-be in church? Yeah, that was no accident, nor was their relationship and apparently imminent engagement — though Anne of course claimed through her sobs that her feelings had become real.

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Gabriel, of course, was assigned some — and carried much — guilt in the matter, having confided in Anne his personal belief that Brenda crossed a line when she dropped off Turrell Baylor, the suspected “Shootin’ Newton” killer, in his own nabe and without a lick of police protection, knowing full well that he thus would be (and in fact was) a sitting duck.

Back in the murder room, Gabriel confirmed his shocking situation to the rest of the boys and was met with several acceptances of his apology — save for Flynn, whose forgiveness came with the chilly caveat that Gabriel ask for a transfer ASAP, and Sanchez, who snubbed him outright. Seeing as Brenda refused to let Gabriel resign, it should (and does) make for a prickly sitch next week during the show’s very final hour — though there is a nifty twist to watch for, as well.

RELATED (AUG. 2011) | Did The Closer‘s Gabriel Snitch on Brenda? Corey Reynolds Previews ‘Grand Finale’ Arc

When I posted my Q&A with Corey Reynolds almost a year ago, many were quick to dismiss David as any kind of candidate. I, for one, back then had my money on Taylor, so I appreciated this wrinkle — though the idea that a newbie lawyer would go deep undercover, and bed a guy, just to offset student loans was a bit much.

Of course when Reynolds announced that he would not be continuing on with the Major Crimes spin-off premiering Aug. 13, Gabriel started looking better as a patsy, so the “surprise” factor was diminished some.

In recent weeks, had Gabriel (albeit via girlfriend Anne) risen in your rankings of likely leaks?

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