Here’s What Churchill Family Thinks of Gary Oldman’s ‘Darkest Hour’ Performance (Exclusive Video)

Here’s What Churchill Family Thinks of Gary Oldman’s ‘Darkest Hour’ Performance (Exclusive Video)

Gary Oldman has one of the best-received performances of the year for his turn as Winston Churchill in “Darkest Hour.”

One review yet to come in was from the living members of the Churchill family — like his great-grandson Randolph, who showed to a recent press event for the Focus Features release aboard the historic Queen Mary in Long Beach, Ca.

“We’re always a little bit nervous about these ventures, but I can say wholeheartedly, Gary, Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben have absolutely done us so proud,” Randolph Churchill said.

Also Read: 'Darkest Hour' Fact Check: Did Winston Churchill Really Sneak Off to the London Underground?

“It’s very simple. Gary absolutely nailed it,” he added of Oldman’s take on his great grandfather.

“Darkest Hour” is from director Joe Wright, follows the future Prime Minister in the 1930s as World War II becomes inevitable. The film “is truly a remarkable instance of a controversial, sidelined politician, maligned by his own party, becoming an unlikely national superman,” TheWrap’s Robert Abele wrote in his own review.

Oldman is considered a top contender, if not the prohibitive frontrunner, for this year’s Best Actor Oscar. Watch a full interview with Randolph Churchill above.

Oldman and Scott Thomas star alongside Lily James and Ben Mendelsohn. The film is currently in limited release.

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