Chrissy Teigen Recalls "Terrible, Scary Experience" Being Followed Alongside John Legend

Some car rides are simply too hard to forget.

While Chrissy Teigen may be married to A-list singer and EGOT winner with John Legend, the Hollywood couple isn't exempt from racial profiling in the United States.

While appearing in Marie Claire's Fall 2020 issue, the Cravings author opened up about a "terrible, scary experience" with her husband close to 10 years ago that she still remembers vividly.

"We were in a nicer neighborhood at night, driving slowly, looking for John's godmother's home," Chrissy recalled to the publication. "These two guys were in a pickup truck slowly tailing us, flashing their lights and trying to speak to us. When we pulled over, they were like, ‘What are you guys looking for?' and we gave them the address."

Chrissy continued, "They literally said, ‘Get your asses out of here!' and proceeded to follow us all the way into her driveway. They got out of the car and stared at us as we knocked on the door and went inside."

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It's an experience that reminds Chrissy just how important it is to teach her children about the violence and trauma Black people face in the United States.

Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, 2018 Emmy After Party Pics
Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, 2018 Emmy After Party Pics

"There are books that I read when I became a mom that would explain to them hard and traumatic situations. But it's really hard to teach them about their privilege; there are no books for that," the 34-year-old explained. "But regardless of money or status, they're always going to have their skin color. When it comes to them being treated differently because of the color of their skin, I'm going to look to John for a lot of help with that because while they are Asian and white too, their skin color is Black."

"We just try to talk to them like little adults, saying it in words they'll understand, making it known that it's very serious, and letting them ask as many questions as they need," Chrissy added.

John and Chrissy are the proud parents to 4-year-old daughter Luna and 2-year-old son Miles. They are expecting their third child in early 2021.

While she's trying to be the best parent to her children, Chrissy is also trying to make a difference on the small screen. Her production company Suit & Thai recently partnered with Hulu to promote diversity and inclusion.

"[Suit & Thai will] expand and diversify the hiring pool for below-the-line crew positions to include more women, people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals so that the overall production team better reflects the broader community," she explained. "The rooms on every show I work on will always look like this. I want to see women in power positions that men have held captive for so long."

To hear more from Chrissy, pick up Marie Claire's Fall 2020 issue on newsstands Sept. 10.