Chris Tucker Owes IRS Over $3M Settlement In Back Taxes

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Chirs Tucker is set to pay over $3 million in back taxes. In 2021, the United States sued the entertainer to collect roughly $9.68 million in taxes. According to Bloomberg, Tucker has agreed to pay the IRS $3.58 million plus interest in a settlement. Legal documents filed to the US District Court for the District of Nevada state Tucker owes taxes from 2002, 2006, 2008, and 2010.

Tucker’s tax saga has been years in the making. In 2014, the Rush Hour star settled a $14 million tax bill from the IRS. The resolution occurred after a lien was put on his various establishments and properties. At the time, his camp attributed the lien to Tucker’s “poor accounting and business management.”

The Atlanta native began negotiations with the Internal Revenue Service in 2010, 2011, and 2016 to enter an installment pay plan. The payments ranged from $25,000 to $50,000 over 10 years. But, the deal collapsed as it was decided he could not pay the debt off in 10 years. Legal docs stated that Chris didn’t make payments during this period even though he had “sufficient equity and cash to pay the taxes fully.”

<span class="caas-xray-inline-tooltip"><span class="caas-xray-inline caas-xray-entity caas-xray-pill rapid-nonanchor-lt" data-entity-id="Chris_Tucker" data-ylk="cid:Chris_Tucker;pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:Actor;" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="dialog"><a href="" data-i13n="cid:Chris_Tucker;pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:Actor;" tabindex="-1" data-ylk="slk:Chris Tucker;cid:Chris_Tucker;pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:Actor;" class="link ">Chris Tucker</a></span></span> attends the 2023 Milken Institute Global Conference at The Beverly Hilton on May 03, 2023 in Beverly Hills, California.

2011 saw the comedian failing to pay $2 million to settle a portion of his balance. Over the past decade, the IRS urged Tucker to liquidate his assets to pay off his tax debt. 2015 saw Chris file to get his 2002, 2006, 2008, and 2010 balances settled but was ultimately turned down. The revenue service and Tucker agreed on monthly payments of $38,000. He paid the sum consistently until he defaulted in 2019.

The Hollywood Reporter stated that Chris Tucker was paid $3 million, $20 million, $25 million for Rush Hour 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

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