Chris Hemsworth's Body Double Bobby Holland Hanton Shares Secrets to Getting the Actor's Bod! (Exclusive)

Chris Hemsworth's Body Double Bobby Holland Hanton Shares Secrets to Getting the Actor's Bod! (Exclusive)

It's not easy looking like Chris Hemsworth -- unless you're his body double!

Bobby Holland Hanton was Hemsworth's body double in Thor, Snow White and the Huntsman, Bad Times at the El Royale and Men in Black, and now the pair are helping fans achieve their best body yet. Hanton, Hemworth and their fellow trainers recently developed a new fitness app called Centr, to give users training in the palm of their hands -- with the stuntman giving ET the inside scoop.

"We've done so many movies together now, he approached me and said, 'I've got this idea and I want to put this app together and get all the experts that I know and I work with and get me into shape,'" he told ET. "It's a no brainer for me to work with one of my very, very close friends on a new project."

The app will help users with all aspects of health and wellness, guiding them through training, nutrition programs, meditation and more. The program was designed to give people individualized support, whether someone is just starting their fitness journey, working towards a more advanced goal, or recovering from an injury. "As a Centr team... we will try and help anyone [with] any questions that they have," Hanton shared, adding that getting that Thor body is completely attainable for those who want it.

"You've got a really good chance to look like that if you work hard, you give it 110 percent commitment and you follow the programs that you're given and you listen to the guides that everyone is giving you," he insisted. "There's no one that doesn't have 20 minutes a day of their life to really focus on just doing a HIIT session training at home, at the gym, wherever. I don't believe it."

Hanton -- who has also doubled for Christian Bale for Batman, Ryan Reynolds for Green Lantern and Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig, Jake Gyllenhaal, Henry Cavill and more for other roles -- said that by far, stepping into Thor's shoes is the hardest.

"All the other actors are in great shape... so I would train five days a week and eat pretty strict for other characters," he explained. "As soon as it's Thor time, it's like a whole new job in itself. It's eating maybe between six to eight meals a day. One to two of those might be protein shakes. It's training two times a day, sometimes three.... six days a week. One rest day. It's full-on intense training."

Luckily, working with Hemsworth has some perks. "Chris has a chef on set. They cook for me as well," Hanton confessed, revealing that sometimes breakfast consists of steak. Eggs, chicken breast, natural nuts, fish, quinoa, sweet potatoes and more healthy choices make up the rest of their diet.

Between Thor: Ragnarok and the final Avengers movies, Hemsworth and Hanton have had to stay in shape for quite a long period of time. They've also been put through the ringer on the stunts end of things.

"I took a big spanker on Infinity War," Hanton joked, recalling some of the movie's wild stunts. "Luckily my gymnastic days helped me."

"It was a challenge and it was a challenge that I took with both hands and I'm glad we achieved it in the end," he said. "It was difficult but we did it."

Hanton clearly has nothing but love and respect for Hemsworth. "We've become very, very close friends over the years and he's helped me out in so many different ways. He's given me opportunities that not many people would," he revealed. "He's just the nicest guy ever."

See more on Hemsworth in the video below.


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