Chris Evans, Russo Brothers Talk Comic Book Movie Deaths, Hint at Ones to Come in 'Infinity War'

We’ll be spoiling Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice — just wanted to give you fair warning. But honestly, just go see it already. In the weeks between the release of Batman v Superman and Captain America: Civil War, it has been hard to not compare the two superhero showdowns. Now, since Zack Snyder took over DC’s films, DC has been heavily criticized for how death is handled. Aside from countless civilian deaths, DC has also done away with iconic characters like Jimmy Olsen and Robin in a seemingly mindless and careless fashion. And let’s not forget the whole Superman death thing.

Yahoo Movies sat down with Captain America: Civil War directors Anthony and Joe Russo. We wanted to get their thoughts on how the death of a superhero should be handled. “I’m going to talk specifically about Marvel,” Joe Russo said. “Over the last 10 years, they’ve given so much energy to these characters that you have to be very careful about the journey you take the character on and be respectful about that journey. Now it’s also our job, though, to push the audience and to take them to places they’re not expecting and emotion catharsis is part of that and it’s a big part of that.”

Chris Evans, aka Captain America himself, seems to be in the same mindset as the Russo brothers but added that it comes down to expectations. “It really adds a strange dynamic when you know what’s going to happen,” he said. “So if you know the superhero is going to die, you’re afforded different luxuries in terms of how you want to kind of pepper along that storyline.”

Now, this definitely doesn’t mean that Marvel movies won’t see some of their heroes die. Joe Russo hinted as much about the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War films. “The interesting thing about, you know, Infinity War, is they’re culmination movies,” he said. “They are the culmination of everything that’s come before it. So there will be some endings and new beginnings in that movie. But that’s cycle of storytelling, and if we don’t honor the cycle of storytelling, people are going to just run out of gas.”

Anthony and Joe Russo talk Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War:

What do you think? Do you think Marvel handled death in its movies better than DC? Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook,or Instagram — or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.