Chill through the weekend with DADRAS' 'RUBAIYAT I' EP

Chill your way into the weekend with DADRAS' 'RUBAIYAT I' EP -- exclusive

After building up an avid following in the dance music underground, enigmatic producer DADRAS is about to put out his first official release. On March 30, the Connect label will release his RUBAIYAT I EP. The first of a planned two-part series, the nine-song collection makes unxpected connections between ambient music, vintage hip-hop, dub reggae, and even a little bit of contempoprary pop EDM, resulting in tracks that are steeped in funk and laced with pre-bling-era rap grit but also meditatively entrancing. Let your mind go along with its wave and you should end up in a dark but intensely chill place that should obliterate your week’s worth of stress and leave you ready for the weekend.

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