Childish Gambino Returns With Video For New Song "This Is America"

Donald Glover delivers a Hiro Murai-directed video for his new single.

Childish Gambino is back.

On the same night that he pulled double duty as the host and musical guest on Saturday Night Live, Donald Glover returned with his first solo music since 2016's "Awaken, My Love!" As the title might suggest, "This Is America" is a politically-charged song with a video that's both challenging and entertaining. Stylistically, this pulls from all corners of Glover's strengths. There are bits of soul and funk from "Awaken, My Love!" interspersed with the most rapping we've heard from him since 2014's Kauai. Then, of course, he's able to bring all his strengths together in a striking video.

You can watch the Hiro Murai-directed video for "Awaken, My Love!" above and hear it on Spotify below.

Continue for the story behind Gambino's "Awaken, My Love!" headpiece.

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