Chicano Batman’s Carlos Arévalo on Radiohead’s Genre-Revolutionizing Kid A: Podcast

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Chicano Batman guitarist Carlos Arévalo was given Radiohead’s seminal album Kid A as a Halloween present from his mother, and amidst the sugar rush, the album absolutely blew his mind. The dramatic shift in Radiohead’s stylistic direction and their experiments with electronic sounds opened Arévalo up to a new world of musical possibilities. Listen to him gush over the album on this episode of The Spark Parade above, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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For many, Kid A changed the game. It was the turn of the millennium, and Radiohead had put out some of the best alternative rock of the ’90s. But with their first release of the 2000s, the band went took a sharp left turn. Arévalo was not immune to its impressive power, falling in love with the forward-thinking songs along with everyone else. “I think when a record like this presents itself, it takes people a little while to catch up,” he says. “Sometimes, it’s so futuristic it’s too much.” But for Arévalo, it opened up a whole new way of looking at music.

Listen to Carlos Arévalo dive into Kid A above or on your preferred podcast provider. Also, make sure to follow and review to support The Spark Parade, and keep up to date with all our series by following the Consequence Podcast Network.

Host Adam Unze (The Opus) explores creativity in all its forms on The Spark Parade by asking musicians, artists, comedians, and other creators to share the single cultural work that has most inspired them. Whether it comes from the world of music, film, comedy, visual art, or literature, we all have something that sparks our own creative desires. On The Spark Parade, guests reveal the single piece of art that ignites within them to fire of creation.

Chicano Batman’s Carlos Arévalo on Radiohead’s Genre-Revolutionizing Kid A: Podcast
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