Chelsea Handler Fulfills Dream of Running the Beach Naked with Help from Kim K's SKIMS and a Little Tape

The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS
The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS

Comedian and talk show host Chelsea Handler gave Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS some free promo Sunday when she posted a slow-motion video of herself running down the beach in the shape-wear.

"I've always wanted to run on a beach naked, and now with @skims, I finally can. Thank you @kimkardashian!" Chelsea wrote in the caption.

Fans were quick to comment on the hilariously placed tape covering Chelsea's private parts as she jogged down the shoreline, with Kim herself even joining in on the light-hearted jokes.

How did fans respond to her "naked" video?

Fans thought the video was hilarious and even prompted Kim to use it in further advertising for her shape-wear brand.

"This should be the official @skims commercial," one user wrote.

Others couldn't help but comment on Chelsea's awkwardly-hilarious tape situation.

"What's with the maxi pad," one user questioned. Another similarly added, "WTH is that patch in the front."

However, others got the joke and the tape's purpose, writing, "Well if this isn't a testament to the strength of those tape strips, I don't know what is."

Kim K and other celebs also chimed in.

The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS
The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS

Fans weren't the only ones cracking up in the comments section.

Kim Kardashian also found the free advertisement hilarious and commented back to Chelsea.

"Crying!!!!! The tape over the vag is the best part!" Kim wrote in her comment.

Other celebrities like Amy Schumer, Rumer Willis and Reese Witherspoon joined in with fans to laugh along with Chelsea.

"This made my day," Schumer wrote, while Rumer Willis commented, "This is everything I hoped 2020 would be."

"Is that Bo Derek?" Reese Witherspoon commented, referencing the television actress iconic for running down the beach.

This isn't the first time Chelsea stripped down for a few laughs on Instagram.

The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS
The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS

Chelsea Handler is known for pushing boundaries with her comedy. The same applies to the posts on her Instagram page.

In addition to her latest "naked" beach running post, Chelsea stripped down in December for her hilarious holiday photo.

"Happy holidays from this crew and these juggernauts," Chelsea captioned the photo.

Celebrity hair colorist Justin Anderson kept the joke going in the comment section.

"The breast of friends make the holidays special," Anderson wrote.

Others praised the comedian for being "a legend" and having the "juggernauts of a 20-year-old."

However, Chelsea Handler can still get serious sometimes.

The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS
The Blast shares Chelsea Handler's Instagram post promoting Kim Kardashian's brand SKIMS

Not all of Chelsea Handler's projects revolve around comedy. Last week she took to Instagram to tease a clip from her Netflix series "Hello, Privilege. It's Me Chelsea."

In the video, Chelsea is seen talking about the concept of white privilege with several women from other races.

"This new year I remain committed to showing up and advocating in all spaces. I hope you guys will too. Catch "Hello, Privilege. It's Me Chelsea." streaming on @netflix," Chelsea wrote in her Instagram caption.