Chelsea Clinton Is Not Taking All of Mom Hillary's Baby Advice

Johnny Louis/WireImage

Whether or not Hillary Clinton will ever be leader of the free world remains to be seen.

For now, the former Secretary of State remains “Grandma Hillary” — and a sometimes meddling one at that!

“Er, she definitely gives me advice,” former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton, mother to 6-month-old daughter Charlotte, tells Sky News.

“Some of it I take. And some of it I sort of smile and say, ‘Thank you’ for. I’m sure this is a common thing with new moms with their mothers!”

Asked for the inside scoop on the elder Clinton’s pending announcement on whether she will — or won’t — seek the presidency in 2016, Chelsea replied “I don’t know, I really don’t … I also have to admit that, at the moment, she’s more Charlotte’s grandmother to me than anything else.”

Adds Chelsea, 35, “It’s amazing … watching her read to Charlotte, watching her give Charlotte a bottle, watching her sing to Charlotte.”