Cheeseburger Explains Why His Hair Is Blonde, It’s Not Supposed To Be Cheese

Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

There are a handful of wrestlers who have gained a lot of popularity in the Independent Wrestling Circuit. Their popularity has gained them an opportunity in the big leagues such as WWE or AEW. One such talent is Ring of Honor star Cheeseburger.

It is safe to that one of the strangest and most unique ring names in professional wrestling is Cheeseburger. The Barnacle Boy has been part of the wrestling business for over a decade. He began his career in 2012. Cheeseburger has competed in promotions such as GCW, Beyond Wrestling, NJPW, PROGRESS, Ring of Honor, and many more. He also competed in All Elite Wrestling last year. They were all in Dark and Dark Elevation. Although, his win/loss record in the AEW is 0 Wins to four losses.

Recently, fans had been claiming that his hair color was blonde to symbolize cheese as you know cheese on a burger. But the ROH wrestler took to Twitter to clear the air by claiming that he simply likes his hair blonde and there is no hidden meaning behind it.

“Sooooo….. I’ve been informed recently that people think my hair is blonde because it’s supposed to look like cheese ? Guys I just like the way my hair looks blonde it was never meant to be cheese ?,” Cheeseburger tweeted.

World Famous CB

Cheeseburger has been absent from ROH for a while now. But he has been taking part in other promotions. His most recent match was back in September. He took part in a ten-man Street Fight. His team managed to pick up the win as well.

For a brief time, Cheeseburger changed his name to “World Famous CB”. He said that the name was a double-edged sword and wanted to break through the ceiling the name put over him.

“Cheeseburger was the best and worst thing that happened to my wrestling career. It brought me to great heights. It took me to Japan. I wrestled in the Tokyo Dome three times, I got to tag with my mentor, my hero [Jushin] Liger. I can’t begin to thank the fans for embracing Cheeseburger as they did and getting me to those heights.

“But the perception of Cheeseburger is that it’s a novelty act. I completely understand that. It’s a guy coming out with a stuffed cheeseburger hat throwing burgers to the fans, but I’m not a novelty act. I’ve been doing this 10 years. I’m a 10-year veteran. A trainer to future generations … I’m going to break through that ceiling that the name Cheeseburger placed on me.”

What is your favorite Cheeseburger match?

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