Check out the trailer for haunted hotel horror movie The Night

The haunted hotel horror movie The Night details the terrifying torments of an Iranian couple, Babak and Neda, who live in the U.S. with their 1-year-old daughter. After spending the evening at a friend's house, the pair make the grave mistake of checking in to the Hotel Normandie, an establishment with a creepy night manager, some noisy guests, and a general air of menace while will be instantly familiar to fans of Stanley Kubrick's classic terror tale The Shining. Over the course of the night, Babak and Neda find themselves imprisoned and forced to face the secrets they've kept from each other. The result is an impressive chiller from writer-director Kourosh Ahari and a reminder to consult Tripadvisor before checking in to that conveniently-located lodging.

The Night stars Niousha Jafarian and Shahab Hosseini, whose credits include A Separation and The Salesman, for which he won the Best Actor Award at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

The film is being released by IFC Midnight in theaters, on VOD, and digital platforms Jan. 29. Exclusively watch the trailer above and see the film's poster below.

IFC Midnight

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