Check out new Missouri music from Money for Guns, Kyren Penrose and Liv Burney

Every season has its soundtrack and, this fall, artists with Columbia ties are releasing music just perfect for crisp weather and continual change. Here are two recent offerings you'll want to check out, music fit for a settling autumn.

Money for Guns, 'All the Darkness That's In Your Head'

"All the Darkness That's In Your Head"
"All the Darkness That's In Your Head"

Who and where they are: The veteran Missouri band keeps one foot on the alt-country side of the musical border, and one in indie-rock. And that suits its members well, who stretch across Columbia and St. Louis.

The goods they deliver: Money for Guns' latest full-length delivers quavering anthems built on grungy guitars and Doors-like organs ("I'm Electricity"); the romance of resonant strings wed to raw rock 'n' roll vocals ("Staring Down Hallways"); and autumnal musical colors perfect for moonlight nights and the shadows they cast ("We Knew This Would Kill").

The band also offers one of the great song titles in recent memory with "All the Catholic Girls Love Paul Simon."

Recommended if you like: Toadies, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, Roadside Graves, Son Volt if the band had a dark sense of humor — any sense of humor, really

Find out more: Learn more about the band at

Kyren Penrose and Liv Burney, 'Boots'

Kyren Penrose
Kyren Penrose

Who and where they are: Young but definitely established artists on the Columbia scene, Penrose has played in the band The Adaptation and released rich music under his own name; Burney was a key contributor to the beloved Burney Sisters band before recently stepping into the solo realm.

The goods they deliver: This collaborative single — one of the best to emerge from the local scene in 2023 — whirs into being with thoughtful guitars and drums like a gathering storm. Burney takes the mic first, offering a soulful, dusky vocal with Penrose adding killer harmonies. This is a pairing that sounds incredibly natural together, driving the song along with inherent drama and integrity.

Recommended if you like: Shovels and Rope, Mazzy Star

Find out more: The pair will play together Oct. 26 at Rose Music Hall; tickets are $6-$8. Learn more at

Aarik Danielsen is the features and culture editor for the Tribune. Contact him at or by calling 573-815-1731. He's on Twitter @aarikdanielsen.

This article originally appeared on Columbia Daily Tribune: New music from Money for Guns, Kyren Penrose and Liv Burney perfect for fall