Celebrate Christmas With a Naughty New 'Deadpool' Trailer (NSFW)

By Vulture Editors

Merry Christmas! Here’s some good news: After a long journey to the screen that included leaked footage, teasers, and trailers for trailers, we finally have real trailers for Ryan Reynolds’s Deadpool. The newest, even more NSFW one — the perfect Christmas present to top a string of already-perfect Christmas presents — is below, in all its beautiful, red-banded, red-suited mayhem. (The green-band one is above.)

Related: Comic-Con: Is Deadpool the Superhero Movie We Need Right Now?

Enjoy as Mr. Pool cooks vengeful villain kebabs, T.J. Miller makes vivid butt jokes, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus raise their eyebrows because, What the hell is going on? Joining Reynolds are Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, Gina Carano, and Brianna Hildebrand, among others, for Tim Miller’s fun take on the Merc with a Mouth.

Related: Your First Look at Deadpool and His Guns

Ah, the only bad news: Now we have to wait again, until February 12, to get the whole IMAX chimichanga.