Cat's Unexpected Reaction to Mom's Halloween Skeleton Decoration Just Won the Internet

We've seriously never laughed so hard.

No matter when you decide to hang your Halloween decorations (cough August cough), we can all agree that video of a cat getting just a tad confused by the whole Halloween-thing is positively hilarious. In the cat's defense, she'd probably never seen a skeleton before. 

The video was shared by the cat's mama, @scoutymcscoutserson. Who was bursting with laughter when she walked around her house and found her cat in the most unusual place. 

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 "This is happening right now, she has found a lap that she can sit in and it's not a real one but nobody tell her," the mom can be heard saying from behind the camera. Yep, you guessed it. She was sitting in the skeleton's lap! Um, well that's one way to guarantee that you have company. "One brain cell. She has one brain cell," her mom joked in the caption. 

The video has since been watched a whopping 2.1 million times and people were laughing at the poor cat's mistake. "Reinforces my suspicion that cats are just using us. Lap? Check. Doesn’t move? Check. Pulse? Who cares," @correntejunk joked. "It's a lap that doesn't need to get up. It just needs a heating pad or a sunbeam and it would be perfect," @dunvegan pointed out. "This one doesn't get up to go to the bathroom," @sunkerst teased. "Keep Mr. Skeleton all year long, dress him up through holidays and special occasions. Cat won't know the difference," @dmanlucky98 suggested. 

Yep, we totally agree. If you've found a perfect lap for your kitty to sit on you gotta keep that all year long.

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