‘The Catch’ Season 2: More Kiss, Less Case – TCA

Less procedure and more kiss kiss, bang bang. That’s the big difference between Seasons 1 and 2 of ABC’s romantic romp The Catch from Shondaland.

When we last left off, Peter Krause’s con man Benjamin Jones professed his true love to the P.I. fiance that he duped, Mireille Enos’ Alice Vaughan — and he was a man of his word, turning himself into the feds so that she wouldn’t get arrested. The sizzle reel that played today at TCA showed Benjamin being sprung from prison and hired to handle some high-end con work. That, plus more snuggling with Alice.

Said Krause about Season 2, “The lines get blurred between these two in legitimate and illegitimate way.”

The Catch EP Allan Heinberg mentioned that the case work of the week for Vaughn’s AVI firm “was really challenging” in Season 1, but he felt he “owed the network and the audience the case of the week.”

“They became hard to break every week and took an enormous amount of real estate in the script,” he said. “These cases weren’t allowing me to get to know the characters as well as I wanted. [In Season 2] AVI only will do cases that explore (Benjamin and Alice’s) backstories and relationship.”

“We also embraced the show as a comedy,” added Heinberg, who originally pitched The Catch to ABC as the lighter side to the more serious fare of Shondaland, “Looking back at Season 1, it’s really a romantic comedy at its heart.”

Heinberg also told the TCA press corps that The Catch was loosely inspired by his own marriage that fizzled. “I was in a 10-year marriage and my husband had a secret double existence. It turned out I knew nothing about him.” With The Catch, Heinberg pulled from various spy-romance features, i.e. Steven Soderbergh’s Ocean’s Eleven, Preston Sturges’ The Lady Eve, Bond films and even Pixar’s The Incredibles.

“It’s like Scooby-Doo for adults, to which you added, ‘adult Scooby-Doo sex farce,” Krause said to Enos.

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