Casualty fans praise SHOCK new storyline for 'highlighting over exhaustion' in the NHS

 EMBARGOED TILL TUESDAY 18TH JULY 2023 Donna Jackson is driven to breaking point in Casualty episode Hooke's Law.
EMBARGOED TILL TUESDAY 18TH JULY 2023 Donna Jackson is driven to breaking point in Casualty episode Hooke's Law.

Casualty fans have praised the latest dramatic turn of events in the BBC show for 'highlighting the over exhaustion NHS staff endure on a daily basis'.

Holby City Hospital nurse Donna Jackson causes a catastrophic collision in Casualty's Hooke's Law episode, which aired at 8.25pm on Saturday, 22nd July 2023.

Fans were quick to praise the episode, which highlights an important message about the overworked NHS.

After a hectic shift, Donna gets a call from Amber saying that she's been left home alone.

Donna rushes home, but in her exhausted state, she falls asleep at the wheel veering into the path of an oncoming car, causing a catastrophic crash.

'Donna's story should be good. It's highlighting the over exhaustion NHS staff endure on a daily basis,' wrote one fan on Twitter.

While another replied, 'And they've already lost one nurse (Robyn) to a car crash due to exhaustion.'

While another wrote on the social media platform, 'Donna is so overworked.'

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And another said, 'Aww poor Donna.'

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Others made a point about how Donna shouldn't be driving when she's so overworked and not fully on the ball. With another writing, 'U should not be driving when u are tired donna.'

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And the same Casualty fan also tweeted, 'u should not be on the phone while driving donna.'

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Other Casualty fans commented on the upcoming episodes, saying they are 'shook' by the latest developments between characters.

'Also I did not see Donna and Max coming. The trailer for this series has me shook,' wrote another fan of the BBC show.

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Casualty episode Hooke’s Law aired on Saturday, July 22, 2023, at 8.25 pm on BBC One. It will be available on BBC iPlayer after transmission.

Casualty is on (most!) Saturdays on BBC One. The latest episodes are available on BBC iPlayer.

To see which Casualty episodes are coming up, take a look at our TV Guide for listings.