Casey Anthony's Father Claims He Has Seen Caylee In Their House Since Her Death

Caylee Anthony was a sunny 2-year-old when she was last seen in June 2008. She lived with her mother, Casey Anthony, and her grandparents, George and Cindy, in a modest three-bedroom home outside of Orlando, Florida.

When she vanished, law enforcement searched for months. On December 11, 2008, a little girl’s remains were found in a wooded area just a few hundred feet from the family home.

The remains were soon identified as belonging to Caylee, ending one of the largest missing persons searches in Florida history. Casey was charged with murdering her own daughter — though she was acquitted in 2011 — and the Anthony family was plunged into mourning the toddler who never reached her third birthday.

Caylee Anthony
Caylee Anthony

But in a new interview, George says that he has seen Caylee in the family home since her death — and Cindy says she believes him.

“Was this an apparition?” Hansen asks.

“No, no. I’ve seen her in the flesh in my house,” George replies. “One time she woke me up in the morning just tapping on me with her little finger like she used to do. ‘JoJo wake up.’ ” (Caylee’s pet name for her grandfather was “JoJo.”)

Hanson interrupted, asking, “Was this a dream?”

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“It wasn’t a dream,” George insisted. “It was like you and I are talking right now.”

When Hansen asked how he explained the sightings, and whether he had imagined it, George asserted, “The strong spirit that was in our house.”

“That’s not an imagination. That’s love, and that’s a connection that I wish more people could have.”