Carly Rae Jepsen throws terrible first pitch

The short answer is “no” — but only because crappy first pitches have a long and storied history. See, for example, Mariah Carey’s stunted effort at a 2008 Japanese baseball game, or Washington Wizard John Wall’s failed attempt at a 2011 Nationals-Orioles game. (Wall’s throw was particularly embarrassing, considering he’s a) American b) a professional athlete and c) skilled in the magical arts.)

That said — man, Carly Rae cannot toss a ball to save her life. According to Fox Sports’ announcers, she was throwing strike after strike during practice; somehow, though, she dropped the ball (so to speak) when it was time for the real deal. Perhaps Jepsen wanted that guy to call her, maybe, because she heard he coaches Little League?

Don’t worry, though: We hear the British Columbia native has a killer slapshot.

Want to follow more bouncing balls? Check out this nifty clip, which compiles 22 terrible first pitches — and helpfully sets the whole thing to “Yakety Sax.” Hijinks!