Caring for VT children: Mental health needs, homelessness spiked in 2022. What's going on?

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic may have waned in certain sectors, but Vermont's children continue to feel increasing impacts upon mental health and homelessness.

The homelessness and mental health trends alarmed those compiling the data for the 2022 "State of Vermont's Children" report by Building Bright Futures, which serves as the state's early childhood advisory council.

Some of the data were specific to 2022 and others compared recent readings to those before the pandemic as a way to understand the effects of the public health emergency on Vermont families and children.

Steep rise in preschool and elementary-age mental health issues

Between 2018 and 2021, Vermont saw a 60% increase in children ages 3 to 8 years old with a mental, emotional or behavioral health condition. These conditions may have presented as anxiety, depression or behavioral and conduct problems.

Among all youth of this age range, 8.7% needed services in 2018, compared to 13.8% through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. The nation maintained an 8% figure between 2016 and 2021, making the Vermont statistics even more striking.

Vermont saw a significant increase in children's behavioral and mental health needs compared to before the pandemic, with the increase particularly notable compared to the nation as a whole. This graph was part of the 2022 "The State of Vermont's Children" report by Building Bright Futures.
Vermont saw a significant increase in children's behavioral and mental health needs compared to before the pandemic, with the increase particularly notable compared to the nation as a whole. This graph was part of the 2022 "The State of Vermont's Children" report by Building Bright Futures.

Dora Levinson, the research and data director for Building Bright Futures, said in a briefing about the report that there is ample anecdotal evidence showing more children are requiring mental health services than before. The acuity of their needs is also increasing.

Additional data in the report showed a link between areas where fewer children received routine mental health services and an increase in the number of the calls for crisis care. Levinson also said prevention care could go a long way in helping, however, federal programs like Medicaid and the Mental Health Services Block Grant only pay for services in which a diagnosis has been established.

"The lack of federal funding for upstream prevention and promotion services is impeding Vermont's ability to turn the curve on wellness," Levinson said.

Vermont currently has the lowest number of out-of-home treatment beds it has had in more than two decades, the report said, therefore, many children end up in emergency departments. Of the 1,500 children who received emergency mental health services in 2019, 16% had to wait at least two days before being placed.

"We are in a critical moment of the public health emergency of early childhood mental health. A moment which will have long-term consequences based on our action or inaction," Levinson said.

Dramatic increase in kids experiencing homelessness

More Vermont children do not have a stable place to rest their head at night, the report showed. A January 2022 point-in-time measurement showed a 130% increase in homeless households that included children, compared to before the pandemic.

The federal McKinney-Vento Homelessness Act defines housing insecurity as lacking a fixed and adequate nighttime residence, which includes sharing temporary housing with others and staying in a place not designed for regular sleeping accommodations.

During the 2019-2020 school year, around 250 students under the age of 9 were in those housing insecure situations, but by the 2021-2022 school year the number had increased to around 400.

A graph about children's housing needs from the 2022 "The State of Vermont's Children" report released by Building Bright Futures.
A graph about children's housing needs from the 2022 "The State of Vermont's Children" report released by Building Bright Futures.

"The trauma of any period of homelessness, even short-term, can have a major effect on future development," Levinson said, adding that these children experience higher rates of emotional and behavioral problems as well as immediate and long term health problems.

Issues contributing to the rise in homelessness among Vermont families, the report concluded, were a lack of housing and a disparity between wages earned and the cost of living.

Rental vacancies were at 2.4% in 2021, the lowest rate in the country, according to the report. And, homeowner vacancy rates in 2021 were at 0.6%, leaving many families without enough available housing options. Healthy rental and homeowner vacancy rates are around 8% and 2%, respectively.

What could be done?Vermont's emergency housing is facing a crisis point. Here's the state's plan.

A family of four with two working adults in Vermont would need to make $107,960 in 2022 to meet the most basic needs of the family, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology living wage calculator. However, the median wage earned by a family of four — at $90,556 — means that many are not meeting that threshold.

Building Bright Future's report said at least 32% of households were spending more than 30% of the monthly budget on housing alone, and for renters that rate was even higher at 50% of households.

"Finding any rental, much less an affordable, desirable rental can be extremely challenging for families," Levinson said. Low homeowner vacancy rates and soaring interest rates have made homeownership out of reach for many families, she said.

Inflation has also contributed to Vermont families having less money available at the end of the month. Between January 2021 and September 2022, Vermont households paid, on average, 11% more for goods, shelter, transportation and energy, Levinson said.

Contact reporter April Barton at or 802-660-1854. Follow her on Twitter @aprildbarton.

This article originally appeared on Burlington Free Press: Vermont children: Increase in mental health issues, homelessness