'Star Wars: The Force Awakens's Captain Phasma Makes Her Official Debut


A screenshot of Captain Phasma from the teaser

Meet Captain Phasma.

After making her debut with a brief cameo in the second teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens (see above), the first details about the mysterious so-called “Chrometrooper” have been revealed by Vanity Fair, along with a portrait from photographer Annie Leibovitz to accompany the new issue’s shots of cast members Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, and Lupita Nyong’o. (Go to Vanity Fair’s site to see them all.)

The character, played by Gwendoline Christie, is a member of The First Order, which is the name of the scattered remnants of the Empire that was seemingly destroyed at the end of 1983′s Return of the Jedi. In one of the VF shots, snowtroopers from the First Order are seen being led by Kylo Ren, the new Sith baddie played by Driver.

In the teaser, Captain Phasma is seen marching through the Millennium Falcon (and, it seems, terrifying poor BB-8!) In Vanity Fair’s new photo, she stands in front of some kind of blackened bunker — a setting worthy of Christie’s other big project, the HBO series Game of Thrones.

Perhaps the most intriguing nugget from the Vanity Fair piece: a hint that Captain Phasma might not be all that she seems. “Should we really assume that Christie’s Phasma is pure evil? In a franchise where a rakish smuggler can get the princess, a Sith Lord can be redeemed, and a stormtrooper can be a potential hero, anything can happen.”

Watch the teaser for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ below: