Captain America 4: Red Hulk Appears in New Marvel Merch

Captain America: Brave New World's first footage was unveiled last week at CinemaCon, and slowly, more hints are dropping about what we might be able to expect from the upcoming entry to the MCU.

The film isn't hitting theaters until February 14 2025, but some new McDonald's toys have surfaced on a Reddit thread, and now fans are speculating about a potential major plot detail.

Thunderbolt Ross, played by Harrison Ford, is expected to appear as Red Hulk in the film as per Marvel comic book lore, but Marvel is yet to confirm or deny.

However, Reddit user SpeedForce2022 has set the speculation wheels in motion once more with a new post, suggesting this might just be the case.

Eight figures were seen to be available, and not only do they drop the hint that we might be getting Red Hulk in Captain America: Brave New World, but also a look at some potential new suits, including Falcon's, Ruth's and a host of other characters.

This remains unconfirmed by Marvel, but fans will have fun speculating for the next ten months as they await the reveal in Captain America: Brave New World.