Candyman director says Yahya Abdul-Mateen II “not replacing Tony Todd”

Back in February, it was reported that Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions had found its new Candyman by casting Aquaman star Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. Although Tony Todd offered his blessing, many fans expressed their own disappointment that they were recasting the titular role at all.

Well, that disappointment may have been for naught as director Nia DaCosta has since suggested the casting has “been slightly misreported.” As he told Collider, “I can’t say what’s happening in the film because we want it to be a surprise, but he’s not replacing Tony Todd. That’s been reported, and I was just like, “I don’t know what to say about this. This is not right.’”

Make that as you will, but it would appear that Abdul-Matten II is playing a variation of the Candyman mythos and not specifically Todd’s own Daniel Robitaille. Perhaps they’re expanding the lore a bit? We’re game, especially if it means that this all stays in the same universe.

(Read: Jordan Peele’s Us smashes box office records with largest debut ever for an original horror movie)

In related news, Bloody Disgusting reports that If Beale Street Could Talk actress Teyonah Parris is reportedly set to star as “the girlfriend of an art dealer obsessed with the legend of Candyman.” Seeing how this returns to the original neighborhood of the 1992 classic, aka the now-gentrified section of Chicago’s former Cabrini-Green housing projects, it’s possible she’s perusing one of the area’s new high-class stores.

The irony, of course, will be that hundreds and thousands of people will likely see this movie on the very Chicago locale it takes place. Currently, a mini-mall exists housing an Arclight Cinemas, so one can only imagine the meta possibilities there.

And, I’m rambling.