Can the 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Cast Sing the X-Men Cartoon Theme Song?

The mutants of X-Men: Apocalypse (in theaters May 27) have some impressive abilities — but who among them can sing the X-Men cartoon theme song from memory? At San Diego Comic-Con, Yahoo Movies asked Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Evan Peters, Nicholas Hoult, and writer-producer Simon Kinberg to hum a few bars of the theme from the animated series (which aired Saturday mornings on Fox from 1992 to 1997). Who passed the nostalgia test? Watch the video above to find out.

While the question “Do any of you know the X-Men animated theme song?” was met with blank stares from much of the cast (including Jennifer Lawrence), two of the stars immediately burst into song. James McAvoy did a lively rendition of the instrumental tune, complete with hand motions, while Nicholas Hoult sang a few bars and revealed his deep love for the cartoon series.

“i used to watch that growing up. I loved it,” Hoult told Yahoo Movies. “When we were shooting First Class, that was my ringtone.”

Apparently, he never shared his passion for ‘90s animation with ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence, who responded with skepticism to McAvoy’s enthusiastic theme-song cover. “He’s just making that up,” she said. “That’s not it, right?”