Busy Beaver Parents at Pittsburgh Zoo Welcome 7 Baby Beaver Kits

Busy Beaver Parents at Pittsburgh Zoo Welcome 7 Baby Beaver Kits

Alice and Patch are two busy beavers! The American beaver parents recently welcomed seven kits into the world.

The seven baby beavers were born at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium in Pennsylvania. According to the zoo, the entire family is doing well.

The caboodle of kits are sticking close to their parents right now and are not venturing too far outside their den.

“The little ones are spending most of their time inside their den with their parents and older siblings, but they grow quickly and will soon be exploring outside!” the zoo wrote in a Facebook post featuring a video of the beaver family.

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Older siblings, one-year-old brothers Busy and Timber, aren’t just taking up space in the den, the older kids are chipping in and helping their parents raise this new, adorable bunch, reports WPXI.

The new babies are waiting for the results of a naming contest before they are named.