Burnt: Bradley Cooper scorches his nemesis in exclusive clip

Burnt: Bradley Cooper scorches his nemesis in exclusive clip

To make an omelet, you have to break some eggs.

For Adam Jones, the gourmet cook played by Bradley Cooper in Burnt, the figurative omelet is a world-class restaurant, and the eggs are practically all the people he’s worked with over the years. His talent in the kitchen may be near-genius, but his humility and people skills could use some work. In fact, he’s got a laundry list of problems as he arrives in London to redeem himself after a catastrophic flameout. Once upon a time, he ran one of the hottest restaurants in Paris. But he screwed up big time, burned every bridge, and ended up face-down in a river of addictions in New Orleans.

But now he’s getting the band back together, so to speak, and taking aim at London’s current go-to restaurant. He knows the chef from his former life, and he’s not above playing some psychological warfare. In this exclusive scene, Adam drops in on his former rival (Matthew Rhys) and pushes all his foodie buttons. Judging by the chef’s hostility, it’s fair to say Adam was wise to announce his presence only after he ordered his food. 

Burnt, which opens in theaters on Oct. 30, was written by Steven Knight (Locke) and directed by John Wells (August: Osage County), and also stars Sienna Miller, Daniel Brühl, and Omar Sy.