Burger King to offer upside-down Whoppers in honor of Stranger Things

Stranger Things Whoppers to be offered by Burger King

Stranger Things fans can now be a part of the Upside Down universe simply by enjoying fast food.

In honor of the sci-fi hit, Burger King is set to serve its famous Whoppers upside down, paying tribute to the alternate dimension explored on the show. The Upside-Down Whopper sandwich, which is simply a regular Whopper with the buns reversed, also features ’80s-style packaging.

The special treat can be enjoyed starting June 21 at certain restaurants in several U.S. cities, including Miami, Houston, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles. Limited edition ketchup packets and T-shirts inspired by the series will also be available.

The special promotion will coincide with the season 3 premiere of Stranger Things on July 4.

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