Bryan Singer Responds to ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Criticism

Bryan Singer Responds to ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Criticism

Bryan Singer‘s “X-Men: Apocalypse” is still a few weeks away from release, but the director is already defending his latest comic book adaptation from criticism.

Oscar Isaac‘s character Apocalypse, in particular, has been the target of angry comic fans who think the character doesn’t look right, sound right, or have the right size in the movie’s trailers. In an interview with IGN, Singer addressed those criticisms point by point and promised that the final version of the film will live up to fans’ expectations.

“People thought, ‘Oh, wait, is that going to be his voice during the whole movie?’ It’s like, no, but to tell the story of the first teaser, we needed the voice, and I hadn’t recreated the voice yet,” Singer explained.

Although a trailer featured Isaac’s unedited speaking voice, Singer promised the final version will be altered in post-production.

Also Read: 'X-Men: Apocalypse': 5 Things We Learned From Final Trailer (Photos)

“It ebbs and flows and moves through the movie, and changes, so he doesn’t just have one single voice. He speaks with different voices depending on different moments in the film,” he said.

The trailers also revealed that Apocalypse would be smaller than expected — the size of Oscar Isaac, a normal human being — not the giant of the comics.

“I could have made him a giant through the whole movie, or some muscle-bound guy who can’t act — I could always do that,” Singer said. “But the reality is … it was very important that he’d be able to connect with his horsemen, at their level, and that he’d be played by a guy who can actually act like Oscar, who’s a fantastic actor.”

Also Read: 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Final Trailer Teases Wolverine (Video)

As for the character’s coloring, Singer assured that the character is, in fact blue, not the pinkish purple that early photos led fans to believe.

“There was an image released on Entertainment Weekly, where the effect hadn’t been put in yet, so everyone was — the effect has a pink light on it, and everyone got lit up, so people thought Apocalypse was going to be pink,” he said. “I was like, ‘No, no, they’re all pink. Take a look. Everyone in the picture is pink picture.'”

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