Bruce Jenner Puts Docu-Series on Hold


RA/Pacific Coast News

Update: In June 2015, Caitlyn Jenner came out as a transgender woman. This content was written in March 2015, before Jenner publicly announced her full transition.

While it seemed like things were full steam ahead for Bruce Jenner and his planned docu-series for E! chronicling his transition from male to female, a source confirms Jenner has halted production and the future of the show is unclear.

"Bruce's primary goal is to bring awareness to this issue in order to help others [in the transgender community]," says a source that has knowledge of the situation, which TMZ was first to report. "He is not sure that E! and a reality show is the best format to do that."

The former Olympian, 65, "wants this to be taken seriously so that [his situation] can have the most positive impact on society's perception of the transgender community," continues the source.

And Jenner isn't certain that Bunim/Murray, the production company he's currently working with on the show, is the right fit. "He wants to explore other options," says the source. "But Bunim/Murray are making him feel trapped in his contract and are not allowing him to explore other avenues to tell his story."

While Jenner has been privately moving forward with his transition, even telling his children the new name he will go by moving forward, a fatal car crash in early February has proved to be an added emotional situation to deal with.

A rep for Jenner had no comment.