British Reporter Delivers Weather in ‘Star Wars’ Puns

5 News weather presenter Sian Welby is getting in on the Star Wars: The Force Awakens hype. During a recent broadcast, she scattered her report with playful Star Wars puns. And considering that the weather is a very specific topic, she did a great job. Welby started with a “Luke father west” joke, following it quickly with a switch involving “Wookiee” and “lucky.” Welby continued her parade of wordplay throughout the 40-second broadcast, and the Internet has most certainly taken notice.

Related: Irish Reporter Breaks Internet with Storm Coverage

This isn’t the first time Welby’s on-camera antics have gotten attention. Back in August, she was doused with a bucket of ice water as part of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and this most recent foray into Internet virality will most certainly push her star to new heights.

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