Brian Eno Honored With an Asteroid Named “Eno”

The full name is “Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno”

In addition to being presented the Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication at the science festival Starmus V on Monday night, Brian Eno received another honor—a certificate revealing that there’s an asteroid named after him. Sure, you could call it by its former name 81948 (2000 OM69), but Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno rolls off the tongue a little more easily. (It’s called “Eno” for short.)

Eno has also shared “Capsule,” a song that appears expanded edition of his 1983 Daniel Lanois and Roger Eno collaboration Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks. Listen below.

Read Pitchfork’s feature, “A Conversation With Brian Eno About Ambient Music.”

See the video.

Originally Appeared on Pitchfork