Braxton Cook's "I Can't" Is a Love Song for the Ages

Sometimes you need a love song to get your day back on track. Braxton Cook is a saxophonist and composer from Harlem by way of Washington D.C. who is now using his own vocals more in his recorded music. Braxton studied jazz saxophone at Juilliard, but after a release party concert for his instrumental first EP in 2014, his parents encouraged him to make use of his voice, too.

"It's kind of weird to think that this degree in jazz saxophone defines you and all you can do," Braxton explains. "I know I'm more than that. And we all are. It's up to us to live up to that potential. So these past couples years out of school I've been slowly discovering other aspects of my creativity and It's been a super amazing eye opening experience."

"I Can't," premiering below, is the second single from Braxton Cook's upcoming album Somewhere In Between, and it's a smooth and beautiful love song with a joyful instrumental final minute. "It's about loving someone or something so much that you can't live without it, you can't breathe without it, you're not yourself without it. In my life, I've felt this way only about two things. My music and my girlfriend. They've almost become an addiction."

Listen to "I Can't" via Spotify below and Soundcloud here, and check out first single "Somewhere In Between," too. Pre-order BRaxton Cook's Somewhere In Between, out April 13 via Fresh Selects, here.

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