Zack Morris Cell Phone is Your TV Tumblr of the Week

With comic geniuses creating single-topic Tumblrs on what is probably a minute-by-minute basis, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your time. We can't curate the entire platform for you, but we can bring to your attention the best television-themed sites in a feature we call TV Tumblr of the Week.

Site: Zack Morris Cell Phone

TV Inspiration: The classic NBC teen sitcom "Saved by the Bell," which lives on in syndication

Site Production Values: Pretty high! The site's producer carefully documents episode details for each cell phone screen grab, as well as the context in which the phone itself appears. Informative!

How Well Does the Tumblr Represent the Show? For a site that focuses on a single prop, it represents the show remarkably well. People who've never watched a minute of "Saved by the Bell" know that a "Zack Morris cell phone" is a phone — or any piece of technology, really — that's clunky, outdated, and roughly the size of a toaster.

Nostalgia Factor (on a scale of 1 to 10): 8. If you were a kid when "Saved by the Bell" was on, these images from the show will take you right back to how you felt watching the episodes the first time. (For the rest of us, maybe a 6? It's hard to get that nostalgic about a show that's on TBS every day.)