Boy Who Was Bullied Everyday Was Given Clothes And Shoes By Caring Classmates

Totally Inspiring

Freshman Michael Todd began school at Martin Luther King Prep in Memphis, TN, and was having a hard time fitting in. He was bullied mercilessly for three weeks because he wore the same clothes every day. He told Fox 13 Memphis:

"I don’t really have clothes at home. My mom can’t buy clothes for me because I’m growing too fast."

Bullied His Whole Life

Todd explained that he had been bullied his entire life. Two MLK football players, Kristopher Graham and Antwan Garrett, decided to step up for Todd and help him out. They gifted him with bags of clothes and shoes from their own closets so he wouldn't have to wear the same thing every day anymore.

Graham told Fox 13 Memphis about his interaction with Todd:

"I said, ‘You know, we was in the same third period. I apologize for laughing at you and I want to give something to you to make it up.'"

All It Takes Is Someone To Be Kind

Todd was overcome by his classmates' kindness, explaining that this was the best day of his entire life.

"I was shocked, completely… You guys are awesome."

Graham and Garrett were also moved by the interaction, proving that doing kind things for others also helps you.

"It was a weak moment for me, I was crying," Garrett said.

"And then I almost cried when we had lunch, he told me, he was like, ‘You know, you two the only two to actually ever give me a gift,'" Graham said.