Boston Marathon explosion: Craig Ferguson is fed up

Craig Ferguson on Boston attack: 'Is anyone else sick of this sh--?' -- VIDEO

Craig Ferguson eschewed his traditional opening yuks on tonight’s edition of The Late Late Show by addressing the bomb blasts in Boston — a city to which he has “a personal connection.”

According to a transcript released early, Ferguson began his monologue by saying how tonight’s show was going to be a little bit different. “Obviously the news of today is so horrendous that it would seem insensitive at best to say ‘It’s a great day for America,’ so I won’t be starting the show with that tonight.” he said. “Is anyone else sick of this sh**? I seem to have to say that too often.

“People say to me ‘Craig, your job is to make people laugh at the end of the day.’ And I think, yes, that’s true, but I’ve never professed to be any damn good at that. And, the thing is, people want their mind taken off it. And I think, well ok, if you want your mind taken off it, you know, watch a cartoon or a video or something. I understand it, it’s perfectly acceptable. I don’t think it’s a terrible thing to not want to think about it, but I can’t not think about it.

“Also, I have a personal connection with the city of Boston. I have some history there. I have family there. When I became an American citizen in 2008, I spoke at Faneuil Hall on July 4, at the invitation of Tommy Menino who is the mayor of Boston, and one of the more colorful characters in American politics…. I’ve been there for the Fourth of July many times… and every cop in Boston looks like I’m his brother… My first stand up special in America, I shot it in Boston. I like that town. I’m appalled by this thing and when I watch it on these streets that I know, it’s horrifying.”

Ferguson also explained why he’s not great at hiding his feelings at times like these. “If I have all this inside of me … If I have all this rage and anger and distress and upset inside of me, I’m not a good enough comedian to hide all that from you.”

Watch the clip below:

Read more:

Mark Wahlberg disgusted over Boston Marathon tragedy

Patton Oswalt: Heartfelt post on Boston