Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Are Getting Divorced, For Real This Time

After yesterday's confusing series of events -- sparked by a claim that Tony Parker had filed for divorce from Eva Longoria, a report which was later denied by Longoria's publicist -- it appears the NBA star and the "Desperate Housewife" are indeed splitting.

People is reporting that Longoria filed for divorce on Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, a day after yesterday's report which had Parker filing for divorce in Texas. It appears that Parker's alleged infidelity may have been what led to the split, as Us claims that Longoria recently discovered her husband had been "exchanging personal texts" with a "mutual female friend" for over a year. Parker and this mystery woman sent "hundreds [of texts] in just one month," Us says (expect these to reach the internet by the end of the week at the latest).

The couple, who were married in 2007 and have weathered cheating rumors before, had seemed to be doing just fine, lavishly celebrating their third anniversary this summer with a cruise in the Adriatic Sea and appearing affectionate in public together less than a month ago.

"Eva is heartbroken by the betrayal," according to an "insider" (an insider who speaks suspiciously like a tabloid magazine headline writer).

But what you're really wondering, assuredly, is how Billy Bush is handling the news. The answer: not well.

After a series of frantic tweets this morning in response to Us' report, Bush got philosophical: "Eva is devestated [sic]. She wanted kids...now she's starting over. TP was innapropriate [sic] but no evidence it was physical. Is there a difference?"

We fear a Billy Bush total Twitter meltdown by the afternoon's end.