Avril Lavigne Gets a Safety Pin Tattoo on Her Neck

The latest in the new trend of famous young singers getting neck tattoos and documenting the procedure on Twitter, Avril Lavigne got a tattoo on the left side of her neck over the weekend.

On Saturday afternoon, Lavigne noticed that her "girls day" was transforming into something else:

"Uh-oh girls day turning into girls night.... Should I get a tattoo???? Haha."

A half hour later, she felt even more conviction in her choice, tweeting only "gonna do it" with a picture of the tattooing apparatus, and then "WTH" a few minutes later, a reference to her latest hit single, "What The Hell."

She then tweeted a series of pictures of the tattoo -- a safety pin -- getting inked on the left side of her neck.

Why a safety pin?

"It's comes in handy all the time, it can hurt you, but at the same time keep you together, safety first!" she explained.

There you have it.